Monday, February 13, 2012

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction...

Post-Modernism was a reaction and a rejection of all of the movements and ideas that came before. The play we are about  to read, Hernani, is a Romantic play. Romanticism was a reaction and rejection of the rigid ideals of Classicism. It seems, especially in the last 100 years or so, that everything is a reaction and rejection of something else. No one is satisfied. Everyone pushes boundaries. Is this a good thing? Should everything be challenged and tested? Should all aspects of life be constantly evolving? Or is there ever a time when things should just "stand still"? Your thoughts....


  1. Giovanna Sutherland
    We learn new things by challenging previous concepts. If no one challenges the theories and movements then the world would be a boring place. There would be no art, no music, no movies. It is human nature to evolve and change to fit the changing world. However, there are sometimes when the world is moving too fast and needs to take some time to dwell on past things and concepts.

  2. everything should be challenged because how do we know if people arent lying just to be abrupt to the world. push everything to the limits and know your limitations! life will always progress but at one point in time all will be destroyed. personally i think we should regress back to days when hardwork kept you alive and technology wasnt even wanted because we as people should know how to read and write not through technology but through actual work and if we keep progressing as we are we will not be able to as smart, passionate, or even able to control our own lives because technology does it for us. new laws and rules will cause destruction and rebellion when in reality we shouldnt even try to become technologically advanced because we were based on hard work not by importing new phones and junk from japan. we are not japan we are our own country and if we just stop all the importing and exporting then we can pay all debts back and truly be the free country we should be!
    Brandon Bernard

  3. Kristien Salisbury
    It's human nature to question everything and it annoys the crap out of some people but some love it because they become the new heroes of the generations to come. This question is kind of like T.O.K. thing the other day about the IRA and other group (insert that time in class looking for the other group here) interviews that the Boston College. Would it be good to release the tapes? Yes and No. Would it be good to just keep them hidden? Yes and No. So there really isn't a right answer to whether or not it is good to push boundaries. Opinionated people would obviously pick a side but really if you think about it there really is no good side. Like Brandon said above he thinks if we just cut of importing and exporting everything will be fine. However if you stop that we will fall behind on technology and other countries make things that we don't. Countries depend on other countries that's just how it works. When making the boundary pushing decisions we have to thing about all the effects.

  4. McKenzie Johnson
    Pushing boundaries is human nature you're always going to want to know how far something goes or how much of something you can get away with. It's a wonderful thing to want to push your boundaries because then you can continue to evolve and expand on your previous knowledge. Yes everything should be pushed to be expanded upon and tested other wise our life as we know it would never change or get better. If someone isn't there to push the boundaries then we never move forward in life and never develop new ways to do things and complete task. Nothing should stand still, people always want time to stop for them and for themselves to be able to get more hours out of your day but either way you're never going to be satisfied with what you have so you will continue to push yourself further and further.

  5. Jessica Vilberg
    Nothing is perfect in society because you are too big, too thin, too different, or too mainstream. SO everything you do will be rejected by a lot of people and embraced by a lot of people. So the image of the ideal person keeps changing, and varies differently through everyone. The same goes with technology and what is the best, last week it was an iPhone, and this week is a tablet. So standards change constantly, and that's why the reaction and rejection process is important. Without it we could still be stuck using typewriters or candles if we never strives to be better and moved on from the old. Everything should be tested, because you may think that something won't work, but it might, or spark interest to invent something else. We should never just "stand still" because it is possible that if you just stop for a while, you won't be able to ever start again, and won't ever advance in any aspect of life again.

  6. Tori Miller
    There is always going to be that one person who decides that their current society is practicing sheer stupidity. That one person convinces a bunch of other people and then there is a rebellion movement. This is human nature, not capable of being helped. So it is a positive sign when people rebel against their society. It signals growth as a human race.

  7. Tay Brown

    There is always going to be people who don't agree and want to test the rules and boundaries. I don't think it is a bad thing because if everything stood still all the time then this would be a very boring world to live in. We need people to question and push boundaries in order to keep things interesting. It is a way we are raised to ask why?

  8. Brianna parlette
    Everyone is going to question or argue or disagree with something but it's not right to argue everything in your life. Also some things shouldn't be questioned like driving laws nobody should argue against them if things are going well.

  9. Keith Knudsen
    Okay so i spent all class typing a long response to this... then i was signed off the internet and it got deleted... and i have no desire to re-type the entire thing. Brief summary:
    Some things we cant change
    Some things we shouldn't change
    I know from experience if you try to make something better for too long, you end up ruining it.
    Murphy's law.

  10. Veronica Wallace
    Well, i think sometimes people do "push things to far." With our world today people love to know everything, and make it "bigger and better" then the newest thing out there.But as Keith said, we can't change somethings, and somethings shouldn't be changed. But i do feel as if we should "stand still" for awhile, only because it is difficult to have everyone adapt to the changing world around us. But then if we did do that then the world would be boring. It just goes to show that if we do keep changing, then nothing can be original anymore.

  11. Shonique Edwards
    I feel that society being always challenged is a good thing and a nad thing. Like
    Veronica said, sometimes people push things too far.
    When everything is challenged, there is no order because everything
    is questioned and rules always get broken. Sometimes everything should stand still
    so that we can get a break.

  12. Mickale Foard
    Everything should be pushed to the limit. When we as humans work out our body evolves to take on heavier weight and we never learn to stay at one place. If we all began to stay at a stand still the world would become non existent because as little as it may be we evolve constantly to take on weather and take on life on a whole.

  13. We are now doing Candide :p
    In one aspect things should be pushed and tested, but in another it should not. Like TOK that class is so pointless, and pondering on whether a chair is a chair or not should not be tested or pushed. But with things like homosexuality, those boundaries should be crossed and tested. When it comes to necessary freedoms, and things of that nature, it should be explored. The world right now is constantly changing, so having it stand still for once would be really interesting. But change is really important in life, if things were always the same, it would be really boring and dull. Im so back and forth on this topic, im done.
    marlena hill

  14. Andie Sifontes
    I agree with Marlena, TOK is a pos because most of the things we've read, people take too much time to sit and contemplate on things that aren't doing anything to change the world. We should be thinking about different things that are more important, and that can change life right now. Sometimes with pushing boundaries, people get carried away and do too much. It's just pointless. We all need to make progress of some sort, so the world should be constantly moving. There's always some problem that should be fixed.

  15. Stephana Reid
    If we didn't challenge anything then we would be like robots, conforming and believing things that authority figures tell us. If we didn't have different perceptiions and ideals then we would all be the same. Historical events like the Civil Rights movement would nevr have happened if people didn't challenge that black people were ignorant and inferior. Its always good to challenge things but we also have to be aware of how our choices can affect us in the long run.

  16. Onecia B.
    Pushing boundaries and asking questions is apart of human nature. By challenging things around us, we can create what is "normal" to us as individuals. By pushing and testing things, we can stretch our imaginations .
