Sunday, December 4, 2011


You have now completed your Group 4 project, an IA and your IOP's. Even though these were trying times and a tremendous amount of work, you should feel extremely proud of yourselves for your accomplishments. That being said, what have you learned about yourself? What have these tasks revealed about your strengths and areas that you need to improve on? Reflect on these tasks and what you have learned.


  1. Shonique Edwards
    I have learned that, having a background knowledge on the material really helps. In the Group 4, I didn't panic because I had read my material about a hundred times. And luckily, with my IOP, I knew the material for my topic so that even though I wasn't prepared, I was able to talk with confidence. With the IA, I've learned that starting early is most likely the best way to do a project. And the Group 4 and IOP proved that it really makes a difference when you know and study the material that you're presenting.

  2. Tori Miller
    By doing the IA, IOP, and Group 4, I have learned that I am an extreme procrastinator. But although I always wait until the last minute, things always seem to fall into place and I do better in a short period of time than a longer period of time because I am not overthinking things. I had alot of fun with acting for the IOP and I am happy that everyone pushed me to do the monologue. I feel as though I want to get back into acting and I want to audition for a play at the civic theater in January. These assignments also brought me closer to everyone in IB. I know this sounds cheezy but I became all giddy inside when I saw both IB classes together during the IOP's - there were no arguments or talking behind each other's backs like before. It was like we were all a family.

  3. I have learned that I do get nervous and I am not good at winging projects and I should definitely know more about what I did my topic on and I need to. Learn how to do a better Monologue. I have also learned that I need to repatriate more than usual! -Brandon Bernard

  4. Kristien Salisbury
    Procrastination is my enemy... I don't really mind doing the presentation or the papers but I should have started them earlier. I should probably organize more when I do my projects also

  5. Jessica Vilberg
    I am happy that we have a lot of the hard work over with for a while, and also I feel better about presenting. I did much better with my IOP then my G4, and I have more confidence about presenting. I worked on my info over the whole month of November so I think that also helped me understand and memorize what I had to say.

  6. Giovanna Sutherland
    First I want to say I've pushed myself to a limit I thought I would never be able to get to. The one thing I have learned is that I love to procrastinate but it's gonna kill me in college. I've also learned that BSing won't get me far. Any way all the oral projects we've done has made my fear of speaking in front of people disappear and I've come to enjoy it know (all that attentions getting to my head). The IB projects are pretty easy once you start there are just time consuming.

  7. McKenzie Johnson
    I've learned that I have more knowledge and strength than I thought I did starting these projects. I turned in 2 out of the 3 early and I never thought that would come from me. I tend to panic about things but somehow I always finish my stuff in the end. I need to improve on not panicking as soon as I hear about a new project being due. Also, I've been learning nothing is impossible if you put forth the time and effort that each task needs in order to finish it.

  8. I have learned that I have the knowledge to put these projects together...when we first get assigned them I always freak out on what I am going to do. I have to work on not being so nervous about speaking in front of people and being confident in myself and what I know.

    Tay Brown

  9. Onecia Burton

    I've learned that all of our classes are interconnected in some way and that if I don't procrastinate,I'll be fine. When presenting things,I need to make more eye contact though. BS-ing can be helpful if used properly,but nothing beats actually knowing your material. I had a much easier time with my IOP than my G4 also. I think so because I actually knew my material when presenting my IOP. Now, I'm just glad all that is over. Hopefully, it only gets easier from here...

  10. Keith Knudsen
    ...I would say that I learned not to procrastinate, but I would be lying. The G4, IOP, IA and just about everything I've done that has lead up to today was ripped from my mind, last minute. seems to be working well for me xD I guess I won't have to worry about anything like that for a while (thank god).

  11. Stephana Reid
    I learned not to procrastinate because all that ive done for myself is cause stress. I also learned that I shouldn't go crazy whenever we are assigned a big project because once we are finished with one then a huge weight is off.

  12. With these project I learned that you need to have a little background info on the subject,go head first and you'll drown.Also that BS-ing is an artform that can be mastered with time and practice.Also i've learned keep a level head.
    Jamaal Roberson

  13. Along with procrastination teaching me a lesson, I've learned to keep in mind that it's all worth it in the end, and all of my classes seem to interconnect in a way. I also learned how to speak in front of people, the Group 4 presentation really scared me but I noticed a big difference when I did my IA. I wasn't as afraid to speak.
    Andie Sifontes

  14. This is probably to late. :/ oh well
    Brianna parlette
    I learned that I always make things way harder than they should be. I get all stressed over something that's not even that bad. I also realized that im not good at giving speeches. I also learned to work stuff out ahead of time because on both of these projects I didn't procrastinate.

  15. Veronica Wallace (Make up blog)
    Doing all of those big projects has shown me that i'm capable to speak in front of a big crowd, that I can do hard research and understand what it means, and that with the IA i need to test more things because my thing got used as an example. Also with G4 i had a good group, but i need to learn not to procrastinate anymore, that was my biggest faulty with all of these projects.

  16. Doing all these projects showed my that my BSing skills are good but can be better and just to not doubt myself and work harder. My biggest flaw was procrasination and my well I got tomorrow attitude;
    Mickale Foard
