Sunday, September 18, 2011

"Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary."

Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary. -Khalil Gibran

Poetry is not everyone's favorite thing to study. More than any other type of literature, poetry requires the reader to be actively involved. The reader has to pay attention to so many different elements-rhyme, meter, imagery, allusions etc. What are your feelings on poetry? Do you enjoy reading it? Analyzing it? Do you write any poetry of your own? Has any poet or poem you studied made an impact or impression on you? Talk about all your poetic experiences.


  1. Brianna Parlette.

    Poetry confuses me more than anything. I don't get the real meanings of things. I have trouble assuming that an author is writing a hidden message. I don't like analyzing it. I don't mind reading. It but knowing that there are multiple meanings to what's really being said really just confuses me. Therefore my poetic experiences are horrible. (:

  2. Kayla Hernadez
    I agree with Brianna. Poetry is terribly confusing. I'm really bad at analyzing the meaning and I don't understand all the vocab that goes along with it. I haven't really had much poetic experiences besides what we studied freshemen year and I never understood it then...

  3. Tori Miller
    Poetry is a beautiful form of art and expression, however, i'm not comfortable with studying certain types of poetry. When there is symbolism of completely random things, i'm not good - just how i am not good with finding the symbolism of certain things in novels, like the great gatsby, or short stories, like hills like white elephants. For some reason, hidden messages don't mesh well with my mind. Unfortunately, no poetry has made an impact on my life nor do I write any in my free time.

  4. McKenzie Johnson
    I feel that poetry is another view point or outlook on how something can be established and taken. I feel quite comfortable with poetry even though I myself do find some poetry untasteful for myself to read and I do enjoy reading it when I can understand the main topics or points that the poem is presenting to it's interpreter.
    Mrs. Florkiewicz did some poetry with us on the last few days of school and I do find myself able to analyze more of it then I was able to beforehand. I in fact do write my own poetry and have been since I was in about 5th grade. I read columns on teen poetry websites and it makes an impact on me sometimes as to how some students my age are able to grasp such concepts and word usage that I myself would find hardly fitting of the tone I was trying to represent. I admire I good poet when I hear or read from one.

  5. Jessica Vilberg
    I feel the same exact way as brianna, because poetry confuses me because most of the time I don't pick up on the actual meaning of the story. I enjoy reading it when I don't have to analyse every detail in every line. I don't write poetry and I don't read alot of it.

  6. Kristien Salisbury
    I'm the same as many... I don't like poetry... Honestly I don't even like reading it.. It's boring and I hate analyzing things. I don't write poetry because I don't understand poems. Every year they try to teach us about poems but I just never retain the information I guess.. So obviously I don't know any poets.. In general I just don't like it and I doubt I'll ever like poetry...

  7. Keith Knudsen
    Contrary to the common answers above, i enjoy poetry. For the 6 or so months of my 10th grade year at the villages, our teacher focused on poetry and a large part of our grade revolved around it. Because of this, I actually like twisting words and phrases to embed a deeper meaning to your stanzas; and just the thought that i will be able to use similes, metaphors, imagery and all sorts of poetic tools in writing once again sounds like fun. Though i never read poetry (therefor i know few poets), have little to no 'extensive'(I dont write poetry often) writing I can make one damn good rhyme scheme. I usually like to write about rebellion and pushing boundries(Social and personal). They dont have anything to do with me but those are my topics of choice so...yeah.

  8. Marlena Hill
    I like reading poetry because I love trying to find the deeper meanings and make my mind try and look for them. I'm not too good at analyzing poems though, but hopefully I will get better. If i'm having certain feelings then sometimes I put them on paper, so yeah I guess I do write poetry. But overall I dont mind reading poetry at all, and I actually enjoy it.

  9. I've never been particularly interested in poetry. It does require you to be actively engaged though. Poetry seems to be very ambiguous and abstract. Poets don't come out and tell you exactly what they are referring to, it's up to the reader to decipher it for his or herself. As we delve deeper into poetry in class I am realizing that it can be applicable to life. We can sometimes relate to the anguish, or joy that the poet is trying to portray.

  10. ^Aaliyah Lelievre
    I forgot to put my name.

  11. Jamaal Roberson
    I loved poetry and hated poetry.Its something that could make you understand and be confused about at the same time.But I love it especially my man Edgar Allen Poe his twisted poems go hard as concrete.The way poets make poems sound there may be a surface meaning but then there's a meaning deep down in the hull of that poem.Analyzing them is great too...Schwaqq Schwaqq

  12. Stephana Reid
    I think that it is difficult to figure out the different layers of poetry. I always get the first one but then it gets harder. But I do like poetry. It helps me to learn to dig deeper into books and movies. In 9th grade whenever I watched a simple television show I always tried to look for different meanings of things because of poetry. Although I hate to look for poetry devices I still enjoy figuring a poem out.

  13. Onecia Burton

    I actually enjoy reading and analyzing poems. Although, sometimes it may be a little difficult, I find the process of peeling the poem's "layers" to be interesting. Poems are shorter than books, but they also can be deeper than books, which just fascinates me. The fact that a 5 stanza poem can be deeper than a 15 chapter and detailed book just blows my mind. So, poetry is something I enjoy reading and working with. I've also gotten better working with poems since freshman year.

  14. Tay Brown
    I enjoy reading and analyzing poetry because it makes me think. Poems are deeper than many books.I first became interested in poetry in eighth grade when we went over a brief way of have to analyze poetry. It fascianted me that something so short or very long could have such a big meaning.

  15. Shonique Edwards
    I like reading poetry, but I never usually look deeper than what is put on paper. I have trouble analyzing deep, hidden meanings of writing so I never really get a kick out of trying to decipher poems. Therefore, I've never really had any significant experiences with poetry.

  16. I dp enjoy reading poetry. It makes me think about life in different ways and views. I do enjoy reading and writing poetry and it sometimes influences about how i think and act. I have alot of poems i like but my favorites are the ones by Robert Frost and his famous novel that i sometimes see poetry in "Snowbound"
    -Brandon Bernard

  17. Mickale Foard
    I enjoy Poetry it is like a way for me to see inside the artist state of mind and for us to come to common grounds. I write poetry when I have things on my head and it helps relieve alot of stress I think lol. Well alot of poets made impacts on me such as Tupac, Biggie, Wale, Joe budden and many more and they let me see that I can be whatever I want to be, So lately I want to be a unicorn. I remember I used to write poems just to see if it would get me a girlfriend, It never worked but lately I seen that I had no confidence to let her know how I felt because I tried to sugar coat everything I wrote

  18. Veronica Wallace
    Poetry did confuse me at first, and still does till this very moment. I do like the fact that the poems can say one thing and mean another. I really like that effectivness. I wish i was that creative to think of something like that. But you reading poems in class really helps me think more in depth then i normally would have. Poems can also be a depth perception or just something sweet as mickale has suggested.

  19. giovanna sutherland
    I enjoy reading poetry but i could do wihtout the analyzing. however i like finding out the real meaning the poet had when he/she wrote the peom. When I read the peom "Cinderella" by Anne Sexton i thought she was making fun of the Cinderella story, then you learn that she was really talking about the difficulties she had in life. Poetry is a great way to express one's feeling and learn about people's lives.
