Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Simply heinous

Everyone (or most everyone) has a favorite book that has been made into a film. Sometimes, the film does the novel justice while other times, the movie adaptation is horribly bad and ruins a perfectly decent story. Think about a movie you went to see because you loved the book. Did the film adaptation do it justice? Did it enhance the story or ruin it entirely? Should every good book be turned into a film? Explain.


  1. McKenzie Johnson
    For me I read the Percy Jackson Series, and I do not think the film did it any justice. The book in itself has so many dire parts for the story to be complete and the movie left most of them out leaving me unsatisfied and the story not successfully done. It ruined it for me entirely and the same with the first two Twilight movies. No, every good book should not be turned into a movie because if you do not have the background knowledge on the book as a director and have no interest in reading the book then you will do as many have already done before and ruin an entirely good book/series.

  2. Jessica Vilberg
    I Read some of the 'series of unfortunate events' books and the first three books were made into a movie, that i believe, did it justice. The movie did an excellent job at giving the setting of the entire film an eerie, dark and sinister feel to it, which was an extremely important aspect of the books. I think it enhanced the story so you can put a face to the characters and actually see how their faces and personality changes through out the movie. Even though I thought this movie was good, I do not think that every good book should become a movie because, like mckenzie said, the wrong person can make the movie and do a bad job, and it could ruin the whole book for someone.

  3. Kayla Hernandez
    I read The Secret Life Of Bees and felt that the movie did it justice. The characters were exactly as I had imagined them and the time period was portrayed accurately. The movie did an excellent job with demonstrating the cruelty of racism. I agree with McKenzie and Jessica, not every good book should be turned into a movie because if you love a book and then go watch the movie and parts are left out, you'll get disappointed and then you no longer have much interest in the book/series.

  4. Shonique Edwards
    Well, when I read the two Twilight books, I loved them, even though my opinion is completely different now. When I saw the movie, it was mediocre. For the most part, the movie did the book justice, but as for Bella, I felt the character used for her was completely wrong. But other than that the film did enhance the story, and it portrayed the story of the book perfectly. Every book shouldn't be turned into a film though because sometimes a film ruins the concept of a book, and like Kayla said you lose interest in the book.

  5. Twilight and the series of unfortunate events movies made me very mad because they were awesome books. The movies weren't as I would have pictured them, the characters weren't as portrayed in the book. sometimes the actors are just horrible. I agree with shonique that the actor that played Bella in twilight was very dull and not portrayed as well as I had imagined. However the harry potter books were made into fabulous movies. They had all the right effects and hogwarts was as imagined and everything was just to a tee perfectly how I imagined it. Not all books can be made into movies and some books thrive on the indivuals imagination therefore it couldn't be made into a movie.

    Brianna Parlette

  6. Tori Miller
    The Pride & Predjudice movie is an extremely great adaptation of the novel in my eyes. To this day it is one of my favorite movies - the casting was absolutly on point for me also. The only downfall in the casting was Mr.Darcy who just wasnt doing it for me as far as attractiveness goes because in the novel i just imagined him all good looking. But overall, the film enhanced the story for me, as I was able to see the words be brought to life and seem so real, as well as hear the tone of certain lines that wasn't distinguishible by just reading. I think every good book should be turned into a film, but only by a director that respects what the author had done with their book and doesnt want to tear that apart but instead bring it to life.

  7. Aaliyah Lelievre
    The Harry Potter saga was amazing on paper and film. The directors, producers, screenwriters, and actors did a great job at committing to the novels. I feel that when adapting a novel into a film it's important that you don't overlook detail. The Harry Potter saga had seemingly minuscule details that all came together eventually, if the film were to overlook this then it would have taken away from the uniqueness of the book. The characters should also be relevant to the characters in the books. As far as their looks, I feel they should for the most part embody the physical characteristics of the characters in the novel. For instance, in Harry Potter Hermione was a short, speckled, intelligent, mousy girl; Emma Watson was able to become this person. When modifying a novel into something fit for the screen you really have to be considerate of the overall perspective of the novel.

  8. Marlena Hill
    The Notebook is an amazing example of a good adaptation from novel to film. When I watched the movie, each character reminded me exactly of the phantom characters from the book. I thought the movie was done perfectly from setting, and from directing. The film did in fact enhance the book for me, because it brought each and everything to life. Ryan Gosling depicted Noah's character perfeclty, and Rachel McAdams as Allie was also spot on. I think that really good books should be turned into movies, as long as they're done well. If you have a favorite book, it should be adapted into a film, so you can get an even stronger sense of it.

  9. Kristien Salisbury
    It seems that no matter what book I read the movie just isn't what I picture. I end up not liking the film version. Or the director was just horrible... For example 'Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants' I loved the books and then the movies came out. The second movie had three books in one movie. The movie was a mess. No justice there. So Now I watch movies before I read the book if they are out. Like Pretty little Liars. (Even though it's a TV series) I won't read the books till I get done watching the series.

  10. Andie Sifontes

    I agree with Aaliyah, when I saw the Harry Potter movies, I noticed that the director really tried to fit the characters in the books. The way I visualized them in the books fit perfectly with what they were actually like in the movies. The director actually put time and thought into the characters and Hogwarts and all of the visuals in the movies. Other than Harry Potter, I personally don't like seeing the movie AFTER reading the book, because I always seem to be disappointed. Throughout the whole book, I visualize them as one thing, and then when I see the movie they look totally different, and they speak with a different tone. After I see them in the movie, I have to see them as the character portrayed in the movie and the visual that was in my own mind is completely gone. I was completely disappointed with all of the characters and just the setting in general when we watched the movie. I don't think the director took enough time to actually think the characters through; but, on the other hand, it was the 1920's, and of course I didn't know what people are supposed to look like during that time period, like Mrs. Fergie said, we all visualized Tom to be this big buff guido-looking guy but a buff man during that time period was different than they are now. I just think the movie was tacky looking, and the director could have put more time into it.

  11. Tay Brown

    I believe that all novels can not be turned into films because its not always possible to pull off. I read A Walk to Remember and I remember feeling like I could see and feel everything the characters were feeling...then finally I watched the movie and I feel the movie did do justice because everything I felt when I was reading was live in action.

  12. Veronica Wallace
    I disagree with Shonique and Brianna, i loved the book and movie of Twilight. In my mind they had all of the right characters and the setting was perfect. It felt like I was reading the book while watching the movie. On another note, i read the green mile and the movie was very disappointing, it was nothing like i pictured in my head and it made me very upset. But that's when you don't have a very good director/ cast.

  13. Onecia Burton

    To me, the Harry Potter movies were perfect. They had the characters down to a T. The way I pictured them was how they looked in the movie. The cast was amazingly selected, and every time I watch the movies, it makes me feel as if I am at Hogwarts, just like the book make me feel. Out of all the books that have been turned into movies, Harry Potter has to be the best hands down. Everyone stayed true to the books, the cast was able to transform into their characters, and everything was glued together beautifully.

  14. The lord of the rings series justifies the books the director and actors did very well recreating the many glorious and important scenes from the books. I love the lord of the rings.
    - Brandon Bernard.

  15. Jamaal Roberson
    Some books are justified by movies some aren't.Like Onecia said the Harry Potter movies definitely went with the book perfectly.The actors went great with the character and they portrayed them in a outstanding way.The plot was unaltered and was amazing.The book was like a map of the movie and didn't leave me disappointed.

  16. Stephana Reid
    I agree with Tay. When I read a Walk to Remember, I totally fell in love with the book and I had this image of the characters. The movie really did capture everything that I felt and pictured in the book.

  17. Keith Knudsen
    I think that the director, actors and screenwriters of the Harry Potter series did a magnificent job morphing the books into movies. The characters were perfectly portrayed as their personality was in the book; their actors matched how i pictured them in the book. I would believe that if their actors weren't so perfectly matched to the characters; the movie sequence would have never had made it to the last book.

  18. Giovanna
    I loved the narnia movie. The director did a great hib sticking ti the book.i hated the twilight movie (dI didn't really like the books though).the harry potter movie was great everyone fit into their characters perfectly. Horton hears a who was really stupid n I'll iked that book. I didn't like the jane erye movie the actors just didn't do it for me.
