Sunday, October 16, 2011

"In order to be irreplacable, one must always be different."-Coco Chanel

We have learned thus far that both Bernard Marx and Helmholtz Watson consider themselves "individuals". Bernard, wallows in his emotions, refusing soma and trying desperately to belong. Helmholtz, has it all-looks, intelligence, a prestigious job and women who throw themselves at him. Yet, he is not satisfied. Both men wish that being "different" was not such a bad thing. How hard is it to maintain your individuality? Is it easier to blend in and be like everyone else? Is it worth the pain, ridicule and sometimes violence that society (both ours and the one depicted in the novel) heap upon those that are different? Just how different are you really willing to be? Please comment.


  1. Brianna parlette

    Its really easy to conform to society but there are certain things your should stick your ground about, especially if you believe in it. some people might make fun of you for being different but in actuality people might look up to you for being yourself. If you really believe in something you should be different and show people that you wont conform. You never know who is looking up to what your
    doing. You could set an example or your own trend of people who look up to what your doing. People might think being different is bad until you decide to be the oddball and all those people turn and follow you. I think that its worth the ridicule. You never know what could come out of it. The good thing about our society is that you can be yourself and don't have to be like everyone else. So why not take advantage of the opportunity.

  2. McKenzie Johnson
    It is really easy to conform to society in this day and age because you're more likely to feel the need to fit in. To be like everyone else leaves you less likely to be ridiculed and to be put out of the spotlight. Being different as Brianna said can be either approved of and widely accepted by some people while other people will use their energy to put it down. I believe that individulity to an extent is worth the risks taken because to blend in with a crowd versus being the person who stands out is a wonderful feeling in most cases.For example standing out on a college ressume but I do admitt that I find it hard to think of myself going through something such as coming out of the closet which would bring tons of negative feed back by most people.

  3. Kristien
    Well according Treweek and to psychology,we aren't individuals. We may think we are. Honestly I've never had the time to sit back and think 'Hey, how different am I than other people'. I'm not one to question how things work. But people, they (if they are considered 'different') just want to be accepted by people so they mimic others. Everyone does it at one point in time. This blog post reminds me of all the suicides by teenagers because they are 'different'. Others don't except them so they bully. They try to blend in and they still get bullied for being fake. Either way it's a lose lose situation. It's the sad part of our society. Even in the past if you were different you were treated differently. We learn this in history all the time. I think this part of our society may always stay.

  4. Kayla Hernandez
    It is very difficult for some people to maintain their individuality especially when it is easier to blend in because that is more widely accepted in our society. I strongly believe that it is worth it to some degree to maintain your individuality. I don't think the violence shown towards those who are different is necessary, but it is important to be yourself because that's what people will remember you for. Not much people like to tolerate those who try so hard to fit in, it's just annoying when you can be yourself. I personally think it's better to be different because like Brianna said, most people secretly admire that aspect.

  5. Jessica Vilberg
    Even though I agree that it is better to be your self because you will have more fun and people will like you for who you are and not who you are pretending to be, it is far easier to get by in society if you alter yourself a little bit to become more like everyone else. Like they said above, it is worth it to keep as much as you can about yourself, but almost no one is compleatly the same in public as their house. Also i think it is worth the ridicule you get because for everyone who thinks your weird i'm sure there are two others that look up to your individuality.

  6. Veronica Wallace
    It is easier to blend in then stand out, like Kristen said, pysch said that our friends and enviorment effect what and how we act like. Like normally youll like the same thing as your best friend does, or if you like anime, people think your weird. Like society really influences how you act, and what things you like. But like Kayla said, it's good to be true to what you like and who you are, to be an indivudual. To be different and stick out, how do you think we have celebrities and poets? They stick out and like to be themselves.

  7. Shonique Edwards
    Being different in this society often poses to be a difficult task. It is easier in many cases to conform to it. But some things in this society completely oppose our morals. But we all know that being different has the risk of ridicule and scorn by the rest of society. But based on the princple, and its level of importance, being different and withstanding the humiliation may be worth it. For example, religion is a huge obstacle to being accepted in society for some people. But the fact of strongly supporting and living by what you believe in is worth being scorned by some people.

  8. Tori Miller
    It is harder for some than others to maintain their individuality in society. When someone is in an environment that promotes individuality, they are more prone to accept it. Friends, family, the media in their country, teachers, etc all can promote it or can help suppress it. But whether there is an encouraging environment, no one can get no where without their motivation. There will be sometimes when things will get tough, the ridicule by certain people, because not everyone is going to like you. Whether you are all for individuality or if you are "normal". To me, violence and ridicule is worth it. I have motivation every day I wake up that helps me get through the tough and the great days. I would rather be happy and different, than depressed and "normal". Life wouldn't be as interesting if there was not individuality. All of our entertainment, such as movies, tv, songs are based off of someone being different. It is intriguing when there is diversity.

  9. Aaliyah Lelievre
    It is definitely easier to be like everyone else than it is to just be yourself. When we blend in with others we don't stand out for our differences. "If a man is a minority of one, we lock him up."- Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. Society does not always favor individuality. Despite it being easier to blend, I think being an individual shows that you are not afraid to have your own beliefs and ideas. If you want to set yourself apart from everyone else then you have to be an innovator. You have to set the bar and make the rules.

  10. Marlena Hill
    I think a lot of people just like to be like everyone else. It's really easy to do that, but get lost in who you are. You can see this in the way people dress and who you talk too. I think everyone just needs to be themselves, a complete individual. For the most part, I do think it's worth ridicule some people recieve for being different, because that makes them stand out even more for being who they want to be. People even look at those people that get bullied as a hero, or somebody to look up to.

  11. In the society in which we live in it is difficult to be yourself because many people often believe that fitting in and doing the latest things and having the latest electronics is how we make it. Many people who try to make a difference are not accepted and treated differently. However in some ways being a indiviual and doing your own thing can be a good thing beacuse if we lived in a world where everyone was the same what kind of world would this be?

    Tay Brown

  12. Jamaal Roberson
    It is very easy to fit and be accepted than being unique and different.It seems good being the same but you lose the actual individual you are.I dont think its worth the ridicule and bullying just for being yourself.Everybody is different in a way so why do the ones who are comfortable in their differences have to be attacked by ones who aren't ?Not being with the latest fad,culture,or style doesn't mean your different it means your yourself.

  13. Onecia Burton

    It's so easy to try to be the "cool" kid today. Everyone wants to be like everyone else. Society today makes us believe that we have to be a certain way. That's why it's so hard to be an individual today. Few people want to be themselves because they're afraid that they won't be accepted. But, you don't have to be like everybody else to fit in. It's okay to be yourself.

  14. Keith Knudsen
    Today people are pressured into conforming to what the general population sees as being "normal"; and thats the very least... Individuality is lost. People (mostly minors)are no longer becoming what they're meant to be and instead are blending into the false images the media throws at us of "normal" people. The media has created a generation that is constantly comparing themselves to the people on T.V., magazines and other forms of media; a generation of self-conscious conforming fools that have a irrational fear of being themself.

  15. Giovanna Sutherland
    It's hard to be an individual in a society that has rules and regulations and what you should be. Even in today's world you have to look a certain way, act a certain way, do a certain thing and if you try to do different you're look down on. In the brave new world you couldn't think outside the box. You can't try to be in another class. You do what your told and don't try to rock the boat. Even though being an individual is great, it's so much easier to follow the crowd and go with the flow. The pain and ridicule isn't really worth it, but maybe someone might look up to you and try to make a difference. Stepping outside the box a little bit is okay for me (as long as no one notices).

  16. Stephana Reid
    It is very easy to fall in with the ways of society. Every society has different definitions of what normal is and we all manipulate ourselves to be normal without even realizing it at times. We do not want to be outcasts and feel like we don't belong or we are not cool, so we have to try to be like everyone else to be considered normal. However, most of know the importance of being a little different. If we all acted the same then we might as well be robots and not human beings.

  17. yes it is hard to maintain who i am. it is worth every simgle bit of pain and ridicule because in the end it will all benefit who you are as person!
    brandon Bernard
