Sunday, October 9, 2011

O! Brave New World.....

No writer of the twentieth wrote about the future in optimistic terms. Visions of oppressive goverments, enforced conformity, the obsolecence of love and families and the obliteration of the individual are just some of the nightmare visions writers saw in their futures. Even more disturbing than their nightmares, are just how many of Orwell, Huxley and Bradbury's (just to name a few) fears became reality. How do you see the future? What do you think life will really be like in 50 or 100 years? What scares you? Excites you? What kind of life will your grand children and great grand children be living?


  1. Kristien Salisbury
    Honestly I can't imagine the future. I can't even imagine tomorrow. I just hope that there will be one. I can hope that it will be brighter and that those 'disturbing' sights that Orwell or Huxley or Bradbury had imagined won't come true. If the future does turn for the worst I'm pretty sure we would adapt.Then again it could always turn for the better. Generations after us should learn from our mistakes and make it better.

  2. McKenzie Johnson
    I believe that the future is not going to get much better in many ways that our generations think it will. If someone can predict the future as bad without actually having proof that the concepts and things in this day and time would even be a possibility than what does that say about the generations to follow? The world is already being plagued with natural disasters, diseases, and global warming. I believe these things are not going to just disappear overnight, while there may be a possible way to reverse our course this is now highly unlikely to me as an option. My children and grandchildren will be living in harder times than we are now and I'm scared to be there to see their misery and way of life compared to mine. The only thing I would be excited for was to see the generations of my family growing up and expanding to possibly be a cure for the plagued world.

  3. Kayla Hernandez
    I agree with Kristien, it's so hard to imagine the future. Especially when things change so fast today. I believe that the in 50-100 years our technology and other aspects of our society will be extremely advanced, but I have no idea what the extent of that would be. I think that my grand children and great grand children will be living a very difficult life, I think that eventually with how wasteful Americans are we will start running out of resources and their generation will be responsible for cleaning up our mess or our childrens' messes. It scares me that with how violent we are a World War III will eventually develop and I don't want to experience a war.

  4. Shonique Edwards
    It's very difficult to imagine what the future would be like in 50-100 years. Maybe we'll have flying cars and jet packs for transportation, and Lord knows what for communication. It's hard to predict because like Kayla said, technology changes so quickly today. Life may be very frightening because philosophy is changing now and it may become radical in the future. Laws change, making things more lenient, and that is an aspect that scares me. I have a very strict religion, and as time progresses, lifestyle is making it harder to live by my religion. But what excites me are the achievements that people make to help the world an how much there will be in the future. I hope my grand children and great grand children follow my footsteps in education, and grow to be successful and embrace the changes, but rise above the problems that the future may bring.

  5. Jessica Vilberg
    I believe that in 50 years the world will become more technologically advanced that we could ever image, considering that in the past 60 years we have gone from just getting color tv to being able to surf the internet on a touch screen pad. I don't know if that will be a good or bad thing though, because older people now are already saying that people are becoming more distant and lazy because of electronics. It scares me because one day I will probably be a clueless as older people are today. I also agree with Kayla that our grandchildren will be cleaning up our mess with the natural resources that we are loosing, and how they will most likely have a more difficult time with preserving the resources they still have.

  6. Brianna Parlette
    In 50 years the world will be a lot more advanced. I think that ourgrandchildren's generation will be lazy because of all the technology provided to them. I think the world will have a lot of natural disasters. The weather is going to be more harsh and more death defying. I agree with the people above saying that we are using a lot of the natural resources. The future generations will have a lot of trouble trying to find ways to live without alot of the natural resources that we are using up. The technology is something im excited for im excited to see the ideas and inventions that will be available to us. Some one needs to write a book so that the future generations can read and study it and say 'wow they predicted the future exactly how it is' Haha.

  7. Aaliyah Lelievre
    In 50-100 years technology will be more advanced than we can even imagine. Hopefully a solution will be in effect for global warming and air pollution. Hopefully all conflicts in the middle east will be resolved. Unfortunately the world is no utopia, so even though the main issues of today will be resolved there will probably be new issues to deal with.

  8. Veronica Wallace
    Agreeing with everyone else, the world is going to be way more advanced in 50-100 years. I also agree with Kayla that our grandchildren are going to clean up our mess that we are doing now. Like, technology is going to greatly change from what we have in our generation, and im so excited to see what its going to be like. But agreeing with Brianna that they are going to use up our natural resources and have to learn to use other things. The next generations are in for a heap of what we barley had, and thats the use of way more technology.

  9. Tori Miller

    In about fifty to one hundred years, i believe the future will not be very inviting. Yes, I agree that technology will advance, but morals will also be continuously diminishing. Due to the lack of morals in the future, the majority of people will be oblivious to the power of technology. The result of this will be destructive people able to easily obtain the title of nation or world leaders and abuse technology, while the population turn their heads the other direction - oblivious.

  10. I feel that in the future technology will expand even more and be used more ofetn. I mean its all about email, texting and google. As far as the economy goes,things do not look to good but if we can make some changes maybe things will get better. For grandkids and things they may have a better time because of things like cars not needing gas to be powered and they will have a lot more advantages.
    __Tay Brown

  11. Stephana Reid
    In 50-100 years our grandchildren will have a hard time fixing the world because of the way we left it in terms of polution. Right now we are just starting to realize the damage that we have inflicted on the earth, but the damage is already done and future generations have to deal with that. Technology is becoming so advanced that soon humans won't even have to walk around in their homes. They can just move around in automatic chairs. Technology would be able to do everything for us like cook, clean, and do everything for us at work. Before our time people used to go to church every Sunday and pray for hours. Now we go to church whenever we feel like it.I believe that the ideas of modern day theology will slowly go away because there will not be enough emphasis on religion as before.

  12. Onecia Burton
    In 50-100 years, I see crazy advancements in technology and more and more people being so wrapped up in the newest thing becoming oblivious to what's going on in society. Not that technology isn't amazing or anything, I just feel too much of it will continue to ruin us. Our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will have it so much more easier than us due to the scary advancements in technology. Life will be the total opposite of now. It's going to be a lot faster...

  13. Mickale Foard
    I can see the future being a real dangerous place, I can't honestly see it being a place of easy going like the Jetsons. In 50-100 without the certain family status you are looked at as low class dirt. So When I get older I will make sure my future son Zeus will keep a good name for his family so my grandkids can have an easy life. I want my grandkids to have a gorilla for a bestfriend or another kinda of weird thing like that because humans are lame.

  14. Jamaal Roberson

    In the future I could see robots and humans in a fight for dominance and sex being the national pastime.In 50-100 years I could see the world being a technological cesspool of crime and infamy I hope my family would have there "Sunglasses and Advil" moments and live good...Humans better represent and not become technology's lacky

  15. Giovanna Sutherland
    The most exciting thing about the future is all the new technology and new scientific discoveries that will be made. I think my grandchildren will do less and less for themselves and have machines to do it for them. I think they will live life the way the children in the "Uglies" series do.They play around all day when their sixteen and some tells them how to live life and be perfect. I'm scared that the value of family will be lost and people will be independent of each other and do things to help only themselves. I think education probably won't be as important as it is today because there will be machines to do stuff for us.The

  16. i see the future as being corrupt by all the bad influences. they will prolly have very good tech but one man will be ruler . nothing excites me about it. -brandon bernard

  17. Keith Knudsen
    I don't see much of a future. I Try not to think that far. when i do, i see a world far beyond help that is corrupted into killing, stealing and total anarchy. Like Gotham city or something. crime rampant and authorities cant do much about if- that is if they are not a part of it. if it isnt like this, then it will be a desolate product of a nuclear holocaust or some all-involved world war that leaves the planet and people like the movie "The Book Of Eli"
