Sunday, November 27, 2011

The List

I am putting the finishing touches on the list of films all IB students need to see. I will have it up in time for winter vacation so you can watch when you have the time.Some made the list because they are masterpieces in film making. Some because of their amazing storylines and other because of characters you never forget. A few are also thrown in for ridiculous fun. Before I upload the final list, what films do you think need to be added? Are there any that have stood out to you? That for one reason or another you can watch over and over and never get tired of? Give me your suggestions and explain why. (I am just warning you now, do not bother suggesting any Twilight crap, they will not be included)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

There are no hard distinctions between what is real and what is unreal, nor between what is true and what is false. A thing is not necessarily either true or false; it can be both true and false.”

We talked briefly about post-modernism when we were reading the "bog" poems by Seamus Heaney. The novel of next semester, Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Chronicle of a Death Foretold is a post modern novel. The new Batman films as well as films such as "Fight Club" and "American Psycho" are also considered Postmodern. But what does that really mean? Where do you see literature and film going as time moves forward? Is there anything left to do? To say? Have humans come to the edge of their creative threshold? Comment. (Also, IB_Fergie is up and running on Twitter)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Luke: "I can't believe it"...Yoda: "That is why you fail"...

  I know you are probably wondering why the random quote from Yoda and the "Keep Calm and Carry On" poster in this blog. I know we are coming upon the first round of your IB assessments. You are overwhelmed with IA's, IOP's, CAS and a thousand other things related to IB. I know many of you are frustrated, scared, and wondering if all of this is worth it. IB is completely out of your realm of experience and is the unknown. Your whole academic life you have been taught to listen to your teachers, memorize and recite back what you have been taught. For the first time, you are being asked what YOU think. YOU are being asked to come up with a thesis, a theory an idea and support it. You are not being asked to regurgitate what the teacher is telling you. You have a say, a voice, a brain. You are being asked to use it. Yes, there are rules and guidelines about how you use it, but you get to think for yourself. This is very scary but also very cool. Just remember. You are smart, you are talented and you can do this. Trust your instinct, trust in what you have learned and most of all trust yourself. I am lucky to be one of those teachers who you vent to, complain to, and run to when you're scared. I listen to what you have to say and I will always be there to help you. I am also the one who is taking off your training wheels and making you think for yourself. You are the best and brightest of Lake Weir. Remember that. Most of these battles you are waging are within yourself. Trust yourself. Believe. And to quote Yoda and Nike: just do it, there is no try. I believe all of you can do this. You have a gift. Many students would kill for the brain you have. Don't waste it. I want to watch all of you walk out of here with your IB diploma and go out and be successful, make more money than me, and maybe change the world. Don't let me down. And more importantly, don't let yourself down. Please feel free to comment on my little pep talk.

Love and eternal support,

Fergie/Madame Yoda