Sunday, November 13, 2011

There are no hard distinctions between what is real and what is unreal, nor between what is true and what is false. A thing is not necessarily either true or false; it can be both true and false.”

We talked briefly about post-modernism when we were reading the "bog" poems by Seamus Heaney. The novel of next semester, Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Chronicle of a Death Foretold is a post modern novel. The new Batman films as well as films such as "Fight Club" and "American Psycho" are also considered Postmodern. But what does that really mean? Where do you see literature and film going as time moves forward? Is there anything left to do? To say? Have humans come to the edge of their creative threshold? Comment. (Also, IB_Fergie is up and running on Twitter)


  1. Literature and novels are being conformed to movies and tv shows. This will cause people to instead of reading the book. The only thIng we have left to do is to be different and read the books because it will improve our thoughts and how e speak! We should speak and tell the whole that reading the actual book is better than wat hong the movie. I do believe we are on the edge of demise because our educational system is falling apart. Because kids have access to many places that give answers to the problems instead of researching for the information ourselves!!!

  2. Brianna Parlette
    As technology progresses the movies are getting better. As time goes on the movie effects and stuff just makes movies more clearer more interesting and keeps our attention. As movies move forward their going to get more special affects and be able to edit and stuff to make things seem way believable. Creativeness will always get better and I believe that soon within the next 10-20 years we will be in the post modernism stage and things will continue to be more creative.

  3. McKenzie Johnson
    Post modernism just means that over time we have changed immensely at what we used to count as normal and great literature and arts as to what today is considered the same. Humans have not come near their threshold in terms of creativeness because of the fact that you cannot quite define between what is and what is not considered creative. In the years to come we will only better our creativeness and further in technology. Making books that read to us, or movies that you are actually apart of, we can only go up from here.

  4. Kristien Salisbury
    Post modernism shows our change. Literature and Films I see only getting bigger and better. Technology and people's imaginations are only growing. I think there is plenty left to say. (and if not they seem to have no trouble remaking old sayings =| )I believe we could still grow though.

  5. Veronica Wallace
    Post modernism kind of scared me at first when we first started talking about it. Also agreeing with everyone else the tech. has gotten better and we can potray things a lot better then we have been able to in the past 20 years or so. I hate that they cant think of any cool new movie ideas because they keep remaking old ones. There are PLENTY of good ideas for movies and books to be written and post-modernism would be a great topic to do it on, because it is kind of new and could be seen as "Unique" or something of that sort you know?

  6. Shonique Edwards
    Postmodernism does show the change of the world and how we have so much more possibilities in today's age. What we feel to be real could possibly not be real and vice versa sometimes. But I do feel that at and literature has stopped. Humans probably have reached their creative threshold because everything is always the same now. Of course the mind is a very complex thing but humans have gotten lazy with their minds. Maybe I'm wrong, but this is just what I've been noticing.

  7. Jessica Vilberg
    I agree with mckenzie on the fact that you can distinguish what is creative and what is not creative. So someone will always thing a new idea is/is not creative. As the years gone by, we have completely changed our life with ipods, plasma screens, and cars that can talk to you, so i am sure that people can easily think of something else to come after post modernism, or just making it even harder to distinguish what is real and what is not and making it more difficult to understand.

  8. Onecia Burton
    I agree especially with McKenzie and Jessica. The fact that you can't really distinguish what it is, it's hard to understand. Its a complex style

  9. I agree with Kristien, our minds are only still growing. People find ways to come up with the bigger, better, and more interesting. Post modernism is growing and changing to time. I feel like it's just the tip of the iceberg and there is so much more under the surface.
    -Marlena Hill

  10. Stephana Reid
    There are infinate numbers of things that can be created. Everyday new ideas spring up. Right now everything is about technology and everyone is waiting for the next best thing to come around. Like Kristien said, technology and films are getting bigger and better. We can come up with the most creative, original things with the simplest trigger.

  11. Mickale Foard
    I feel we are coming to the end of our creativity. Everyday the movies I see are becoming more bland and untasteful although their are times when their is a movie such as immortals that is worth watching and you could see how creative the person could have been and how they used what they had. Humans can do it but we are holding back, something holds us back from doing our best productions.

  12. The world can't possibly just lose ideas. There are millions of people in the world with great, creative ideas for literature and movies; under some circumstances, someone may just want to hold on to their own creativity. Not everyone wants the whole world inside their own head. Under others, it might already have been released into the world, it is just up to SOMEBODY to find it and publish. There are endless possibilities, and the idea of post modernism has nothing to do with what people can come up with.
    Andie Sifontes

  13. Jamaal Roberson
    We have came to the end of our creativity train.Unless people stop trying to playing into the fads.Also the people in society need to encourage children to dream and imagine.If we repress our creativity now what will our children's generation have ?

  14. Tay Brown

    I think that people can not just lose creativity however the people that have some left have to be able to speak up and speak out. In today's society everyone follows what the new "thing" is ,well most people do anyways. Music and film and thing sare becoming more and more similar there is very little imagination.

  15. Keith Knudsen
    I don't believe humans HAVE a creative boundary. What some people see as bad ideas, others see as good ones. when a good idea becomes boring, people turn to what they thought as a bad idea and quickly grow fond of it. they desire change. you see this with art- what looks like pointless shapes on paper, some see as an abstract masterpiece. with music, jumbled words with a catchy beat becomes a hit. movies that hold a deeper meaning past the seemingly simple exterior, the same. what we hear on the radio and see on TV are just the product of a microscopic portion of the world. eventually a new person will be found with new ideas that are different from what has been done before and what is happening then.

  16. Tori Miller
    It is human nature to recycle the old and make things more modern. Fashion and music is a great example of this. In 1982, Michael Jackson strutted in skinny jeans and leather jackets for thriller. That fashion became all the rage. Eventually it died out, but now, I cannot walk down one hallway in my school without seeing some guy in skinny jeans. And music, the way that lady gaga (arguably) recycled Madonna and David Bowie's images and personas. So eventually, human race will recycle modernism, where there is always a deeper meaning. They will just add a fresh spin on it, as with the recycling of music and fashion.
