Sunday, November 6, 2011

Luke: "I can't believe it"...Yoda: "That is why you fail"...

  I know you are probably wondering why the random quote from Yoda and the "Keep Calm and Carry On" poster in this blog. I know we are coming upon the first round of your IB assessments. You are overwhelmed with IA's, IOP's, CAS and a thousand other things related to IB. I know many of you are frustrated, scared, and wondering if all of this is worth it. IB is completely out of your realm of experience and is the unknown. Your whole academic life you have been taught to listen to your teachers, memorize and recite back what you have been taught. For the first time, you are being asked what YOU think. YOU are being asked to come up with a thesis, a theory an idea and support it. You are not being asked to regurgitate what the teacher is telling you. You have a say, a voice, a brain. You are being asked to use it. Yes, there are rules and guidelines about how you use it, but you get to think for yourself. This is very scary but also very cool. Just remember. You are smart, you are talented and you can do this. Trust your instinct, trust in what you have learned and most of all trust yourself. I am lucky to be one of those teachers who you vent to, complain to, and run to when you're scared. I listen to what you have to say and I will always be there to help you. I am also the one who is taking off your training wheels and making you think for yourself. You are the best and brightest of Lake Weir. Remember that. Most of these battles you are waging are within yourself. Trust yourself. Believe. And to quote Yoda and Nike: just do it, there is no try. I believe all of you can do this. You have a gift. Many students would kill for the brain you have. Don't waste it. I want to watch all of you walk out of here with your IB diploma and go out and be successful, make more money than me, and maybe change the world. Don't let me down. And more importantly, don't let yourself down. Please feel free to comment on my little pep talk.

Love and eternal support,

Fergie/Madame Yoda


  1. Thank you mrs ferguson - Brandon Bernard

  2. McKenzie Johnson
    It'a not worth it when you have a family that does not support your decisions or your education. I am not overwhelmed by any means but I'm beginning to wonder why I'm doing this if all my family cares about it punishing me by making it academically impossible to do my work. Just needed a little vent and something to actually comment on here with, thank you for your support though.

  3. Veronica Wallace
    Thank you so much for believing in all of us Fergie! <3 It means so much to have a teacher that believes you CAN do it and not stress us out. You honestly should be our I.B person, you are just so positive towards us and understand how we feel. And thanks to you and many others i do believe that i have the power and brains to complete I.B stuff. I can't say thank you enough :D

  4. Tay Brown

    I greatly appreciate what you said. Things do get very overwhelming at times having all these different assignments and it all seems to come at once. But I am happy to know that you are always here for us when we need someone. I love you <3

  5. Brianna Parlette

    Awe fergie so sweet ;D We all love you. & e are so fortunate to have teachers like you and treweek who are willing to help us and listen to us. Today was like the first time this year I broke down cause we have so many presentations to do. I know we all have the capability to do it. & we all have bright futures ahead of us. Thanks for reminding us and stressing it, if we didnt have a teacher like you, idk what i'd do. I love you! (:

  6. Shonique Edwards
    Thanks Fergie. This is sooo sweet. Everything does get really overwhelming and I know we reach the point of giving up but it's teachers like you who let us pull through and give us some motivation to keep treading on through this program. Your belief in us is really appreciated. <3

  7. Kristien Salisbury
    Thank you so much for believing in us. Sorry for complaining so much. I don't know why I complain our school has an easy IB system so I should be more thankful. Really the only big problem I have is Popp >_< Other wise I like it now that I think about it. The IB tests are fun to take they aren't crazy long or boring. Also the projects let us basically roam free. Thank you for being so supportive of us. Best teacher ever! On level with Provo! xD

  8. Jessica Vilberg
    :) Thank you for being there for us to vent to and actually hear what we have to say. It means a lot. Also it is cool that you keep repeating these pep talks and that it is all worth it..because we all need it

  9. Onecia Burton

    This was so sweet! Thank you for ALWAYS being there and looking out for us. Things are getting a bit overwhelming. Thanks for being someone we can just express our concerns and thoughts to. You really are an amazing teacher. WE LOVE YOU, FERGIE! <333

  10. Keith Knudsen
    You need to write a song incorporating all of this :D

  11. Giovanna
    Thanks for the pep talk I really needed it. It's funny when you get assigned all these projects we freak out but by the time it's due we realize that there wasn't to worry about in the beginning. A weight is taken off my shoulder evertime I get to ccheck off another homework or project that's done.

  12. Stephana Reid
    Thank you Fergie! You are my favorite teacher. And I agree, we do get overwhelmed with all of these projects and stuff, but everytime we do them a weight has been lifted off our shoulders and we are one step closer to getting that IB Diploma.

  13. Jamaal Roberson
    Thanks for keeping us levelheaded.

  14. Weeble's wobble but they don't fall down.
    Marlena Hill

  15. Tori Miller
    Thank you ms.fergie for always making us feel better. You help me realize that dropping out of IB is not worth it even if so many other people say that it is.
